
lundi 25 avril 2011

be green with that new consest!!:

Today is Earth Day!

April 24 is Earth Day around the world. So today, Woozworld will also be celebrating this special day!

Check out the Earth Day Unitz especially created for this special day by your Earth Day host Plush.
Several activities are available:
  1. Enter the Green Planet Initiative Contest: Tell us what you have done in your community to make the Earth a greener place! The best ideas will be published in next week’s WoozPaper
  2. Enter the Earth Day Design Contest: Design a Nature Unitz to help make Woozworld a GREENER place for us all! Top Unitz will win a special gift…
  3. Wear your Earth Day T-Shirt to show that you care about protecting the environment!
  4. Pick up Trash around Woozworld with Cleaning Foodz you can get at the Earth Day Unitz
    so make you su
    re you will dressed that new tops :

and  enter the consest by making a great full unitz.that is my creation

 good look to all of you.

Help save Woozworld with your Basket-Nator Vest and Chokolien-Hunting abilities…

Each day, whichever Woozen has exterminated the most Chokoliens in Woozworld using their special vests (we are keeping track!) will be announced below as the Daily Choko-Hunter Champion! Gain the respect and admiration of your fellow Woozens by leading the battle against these Chokoliens and saving our home!
Come back everyday to find out who’s winning!
Choko-Hunters Championship
Wednesday, April 20, 2011: eline105 with 713 Chokoliens
Thursday, April 21, 2011: melissa467 with 517 Chokoliens
Friday, April 22, 2011:
Saturday, April 23, 2011:
Sunday, April 24, 2011:

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